Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to Clean a Room

The room is the most important area of a house not only serves to relax but is also used for meetings with family and friends, which is very important to keep it clean and orderly.

So it is easy to keep organized and clean his room, then I leave you a list of important tips:

1. To begin cleaning their room, the first thing you need to do is to discard all unnecessary and old items that are only occupying or dirty space. For example; you must delete your room those magazines and newspapers that are old. It is not a good idea that store yesterday's newspapers or magazines last year.

2. Then proceed to collect cleaning supplies. Supplies of cleaning should always be used in a room are cleaner hard surfaces, disinfecting wipes, towels, carpet cleaner, glass cleaner broom long handle, vacuum cleaner and disinfectant for the floor without carpet and stain remover.

3. It is very important that you begin dusting the ceiling and corners, even the ceiling fan. To completely remove the cobwebs that are in the corners, you should use a long brush. Then you proceed to remove dust which is located on the surfaces of the electronic books and shelves, curtains, frames for photographs and pictures, cornices and window frames and the upper part of the door frames.

4. Then proceed to gently clean hard surfaces and glasses. Such as mirrors, windows, frames, and tables crystals, for that, you have to use a special cleaner for this purpose. I recommend you opt for a cleaner that is non-abrasive. The most advisable to clean the lamp accent is with a damp cloth.

5. To clean the furniture properly, you need to use a mild cleanser and always do it with care. The area should be cleaned with a dry cloth, in such a way that Berry slowly wiping the full cabinet.

6. It has knobs for doors, plates of switches and handsets, to be cleaned with disinfectant wipes. With disinfectant wipes, cleaning will be perfect and will prevent scratching objects.

7. To clean the sculptures of bronze and silver artifacts and chrome frames successfully, I advise you to use a special cleaner for polishing metal surfaces. If you don't have money to buy the product, do not worry. You have to do is use tamarind water or Worcestershire sauce to clean metal objects and clean Corm objects should use baking soda.

8. Move the furniture in place and start to vacuum the area thoroughly. What should do is spend on carpets and carpet cleaner. If there are stubborn stains on the rug or carpet, I suggest you use spot removers. If possible, remove and shake off the carpet. If the carpets are small you can put them in the washing machine.

9. To go ending appropriate to sweep and MOP the floor without carpet area, for that you have to use a disinfectant. For pads, furniture and curtains fabrics use a refreshing spray. Finally, use an air freshener in your favorite scent.

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